Has potential, but needs a lot of reworking.
The graphics in this game are pretty good, but the programming isn't very user-friendly. First of all, the resetting the jump doesn't make any sense at all. Also, the jump itself is way too slow. Having to press the down arrow to fire is nothing short of ass-backwards (fire should be on click). Also, as the majority of the population is right handed, having to use the arrow keys and the mouse at the same time is difficult and annoying; I'd recommend WASD instead. The second weapon charges much too slowly to be of any use, and switching between weapons disrupts combat (having to click the button makes you break your aim); I'd recommend having a "swap weapons" button instead.
There is little to no strategy in movement: as there are no platforms, there's no strategic cover to hide from projectiles and such, so avoiding damage is reduced to simply jumping over enemy shots. The player can walk through enemies, too, resulting in some odd-looking animations. Also, the player's shots move with the gun; that is, if the player shoots, then changes the angle of the gun, the shot will move as though it had been shot from the new angle. Also, on some screens, it is difficult to tell where your shot is because it is the same color as the background.
Overall, the game's got potential, but there's a lot of key issues that would prevent it from being good at this point. Keep working with it!