
53 Game Reviews

19 w/ Responses

Has potential, but needs a lot of reworking.

The graphics in this game are pretty good, but the programming isn't very user-friendly. First of all, the resetting the jump doesn't make any sense at all. Also, the jump itself is way too slow. Having to press the down arrow to fire is nothing short of ass-backwards (fire should be on click). Also, as the majority of the population is right handed, having to use the arrow keys and the mouse at the same time is difficult and annoying; I'd recommend WASD instead. The second weapon charges much too slowly to be of any use, and switching between weapons disrupts combat (having to click the button makes you break your aim); I'd recommend having a "swap weapons" button instead.

There is little to no strategy in movement: as there are no platforms, there's no strategic cover to hide from projectiles and such, so avoiding damage is reduced to simply jumping over enemy shots. The player can walk through enemies, too, resulting in some odd-looking animations. Also, the player's shots move with the gun; that is, if the player shoots, then changes the angle of the gun, the shot will move as though it had been shot from the new angle. Also, on some screens, it is difficult to tell where your shot is because it is the same color as the background.

Overall, the game's got potential, but there's a lot of key issues that would prevent it from being good at this point. Keep working with it!


Hey, you know what I hate? Waiting. I'd prefer some alternate way of getting the misc. items than waiting for around 15 minutes.

That aside, this isn't bad for a dress up. The graphics are nice and polished, the "clothes" snap into place so I don't have to line them up myself (although every once in a while I do enjoy doing something like putting a machine gun on somebody's crotch), and the miscellaneous items were fun (when I finally got them). The music was annoying, but there was a mute button, so that wasn't much of a problem. The main problem with this is the fact that it's still a dress up, and dress ups just don't hold my interest for long. There's no score, no enemies to beat, and no puzzles to solve. Although interactive, dress ups lack key elements that make up a "real game." Still, I see that you've got potential; I'd like to see some of your future work.

sambo619 responds:

thanks man

Seen it

I would have been considrably more impressed if I hadn't seen this engine countless times before. You did nothing more than a graphical touch up.


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ObeseDude responds:


Nice concept, so-so execution

I absoulutely love the idea for the game, but Pac Man's AI is so much better than the other ghosts' AI that it ends up as you chasing after pac man on your own, and he goes just as fast as you, so it just doesn't stop.


Hit detection is way off (I'm guessing you used hitTest() without realizing it uses a square, right?) and the only art you created kinda sucked. Overall, the gameplay wasn't terrible (just old and overused), and Megaman's programming was solid, but the enemys' programming was ridiculous (in addition to the hit detection being off, why did you have them randomly teleport?), megaman's death sequence was clearly never tested (he explodes THREE TIMES!), and the CAPCOM screen was there for too long. Not terrible, but far from greatness.


I'm tired of all these bullshit sponsored games on the portal now. Newgrounds was NOT designed so that you could promote your sucky little jigsaw puzzle site with a crappy game, it was designed as a place that flash artists and programmers could share their work with the world. If you're so desperate to promote your fucking site, buy an advertisement or something. Asshole.

Oh, and the game was a rip off of pretty much every jigsaw puzzle game I've ever seen, that is, it sucked.

JigsawPuzzlesFree responds:

Thanks for your kind words.

Terrible engine, creative design

As a programmer, I can tell that the "features" of this game are no more than bugs in your engine that you refused to fix. That being said, you used your engine effectively and the levels were both creative and challenging.

Solid gameplay, but gets old.

I've always been a fan of the Thing Thing games, so I was pretty excited for this one. I was a bit disappointed, but not by much.

It uses the same basic gameplay as the other Thing Thing games (shoot everything with a bunch of guns), which is a good thing in my opinion. The blood and gore effects were done very well, and definitely enhanced the gameplay experience. There were a lot of cool weapons, too; conceptually, I found the Tavor (the automatic shotgun) to be the most awesome, but its relatively small clip size made me favor the Laser Cannon in actual combat. I would have preferred a variety of melee weapons as well (beating people to death is awesome and all, but I'd prefer chopping someone's head in half with a fire axe). The execution system is cool, but in the end entirely useless because it takes forever.

I prefer the games in the series that have plots, but with the addition of NG Medals, the achievement system in the game serves its purpose and actually makes the game more fun. Some of the achievements (NOTE: I said "achievements," not "badges") are overly difficult to aquire, however, especially the "Over Nine Thousand" achievement. Seriously, I got over 100,000 points on Dungeon-Medium and only got halfway there. Also, the AI has a few glitches, the most annoying of which is the ability to shoot through floors with a long enough weapon (I forgive you for this one, though, because I found an AI glitch that makes them leave me alone long enough to fully heal). All in all the game was fun, but only for a short time.


This is probably the best adventure game I've played on the portal. Thank you for the unique gaming experience.

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Age 34, Male


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